Scope of application:
All sales channels at MOVI nationwide.
Subjects of application:
- Member customers of MOVI nationwide.
- Not applicable for MOVI, Viet Phu employees.
Time of application:
The order is placed from 06.06.2023 till 26.06.2023
Contents Customers: whose orders are placed during the promotion period and change to "successful" status will receive the following bonus offers:
- Applicable products: All Sharp brand products worth any value
- Gift: MOVI-Sharp raincoat (first 100 successful orders are included); Sharp SJ-X176E refrigerator (only 01 lucky customer won a prize draw)
See program details here:
Viet Phu Payment Services Support Corporation
This website is established for the purpose of introducing MOVI Benefits Program deployed by Viet Phu and it's partners including but not limited to introduce the Partner, the goods, services sold in MOVI Benefits Program.