Buy goods in installments in District 6
Buy in installments in District 6 with Movi
Buy in installments in District 6 with Movi, just register to become a Movi member through our app (android or ios) or our website.
Movi aspires to provide excellent, innovative and transparent financial support products and services to all workers across the country.
How to buy installments in District 6?
- Conditions and original documents required
- The ID card is still valid (15 years from the date of issue).
- Driver's License/Passport
Installment purchase process in District 6 with Movi
- Step 1: Sign up for installment purchase
- Customers select, order products and register for installment purchase with Movi (Hotline, Zalo, Facebook)
- Step 2: Consult the procedure
- After receiving your request to register for installment purchase, the financial institution's staff will contact you to advise in detail the installment payment process and procedures.
- Step 3: Review your profile
- After receiving the required documents, the financial institution will conduct the appraisal, approve the application and respond to the results in the fastest time.
- If your application is approved, you will proceed to step 4.
- Step 4: Sign the contract and receive the product
- After the profile is approved, the customer proceeds to sign the donation document (at home / store) and receive the product.
Benefits of buying in installments at Movi
- All products at Movi are competitively priced, with many attractive incentives.
- Customers have the flexibility to choose a finance company, a payment term with different interest rates.
- Simple installment process, quick application process
How to buy in installments at Movi?
- Movi and its partners provide genuine products in many different industries, such as phones (Samsung, Oppo, ...), electronics, refrigeration, home appliances,...
- All of these products, Movi and its partners allow customers to pay in installments with 0% interest for a period of 3-6 months.
- Customers only pay a reasonable service fee.
- Price, installment period, service fee (if any) related to each physical product will be clearly posted to the Customer before the Customer decides to purchase.
Buy goods with flexible installments according to optional terms at Movi
- Movi and its partners offer customers a standard installment term for each physical product.
- However, if there is a need, the Customer can completely choose a long-term or shorter-term installment term than the proposed term.
- If the Customer chooses a longer installment term than the proposed term, the Customer may have to pay a reasonable additional service fee.
To use Movi's installment purchase products in District 6, please see our detailed product catalog.
Or contact us directly via Hotline 1800.6669 (toll free) for better advice.